Shepardson/Huntington Retrofits

Project Overview

This project is designed to implement Low Impact Development (LID) retrofits to mitigate for, or eliminate sources of, nutrient and bacteria loading in stormwater runoff from untreated public rights-of-way into Lake Whatcom. The project involves water quality improvements to reduce phosphorus loading from an unpaved section of roadway and ditches along Huntington and Shepardson streets. Funding for this work comes in part from the Washington State Department of Ecology.

Project Details

  • Jurisdiction: City of Bellingham

  • Contractor: Oceanside Construction, Inc.

  • Final Construction Cost: $343,528

  • Completion Date: December 2015

Project Area

The Shepardson/Huntington Retrofits are located in the Silver Beach neighborhood.

Project Manager

Larry Scholten, P.E.

Project Engineer

City of Bellingham

Phone: (360) 778-7923

Email: Public Works Contacts


Gravel pre-construction

During construction

During construction